military commission

美 [ˈmɪləteri kəˈmɪʃn]英 [ˈmɪlətri kəˈmɪʃn]
  • 军事委员会;特别军事法庭
military commissionmilitary commission


an official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces
Synonym: commission


  1. He was also named to the powerful Central Military Commission .


  2. Section 4 The Central Military Commission


  3. This is a matter of strategic policy , and I hope the Military Commission will discuss it .


  4. Brevet is a form of military commission formerly used in US armies .


  5. The Central Military Commission ;


  6. Since then , I started in Chongqing chairman of the Military Commission room attendants work .


  7. Other departments include the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Logistic Support Department of the Central Military Commission .


  8. The overall quality of the national defense students ' is focused on by Military Commission general department and their universities .


  9. One more thing I want to tell you is that the Chairman of the Military Commission has been replaced .


  10. Speech at a plenary meeting of the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the CPC


  11. The Chinese People 's Revolutionary Military Commission will be responsible for suppressing the ringleaders of rebellion .


  12. In normal times , these two communications stations report directly to the Central Military Commission and the PLA General Staff headquarters .


  13. Article 6 The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense throughout the country .


  14. The requirements , intervals and procedures for promotion of reserve ranks shall be prescribed by the Central Military Commission .


  15. The organizational system and organs of the Party in the armed forces are prescribed by the Military Commission of the Central Committee .


  16. Both the Administrative Office and the Military Commission were in a parallel relation , but the former should exercise the kennel power .


  17. The official news portal of the Central Military Commission published the names and ranks of the fourteen officers late on Monday .


  18. Speech to comrades who had attended an enlarged meeting of the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China


  19. Article4The flight control throughout the country is under the leadership of the Air Traffic Control Commission of the State Council and the Central Military Commission .


  20. The army has taken the lead in urging its cadres to learn . I think the regulation issued by the Central Military Commission is correct .


  21. The Central Military Commission ( CMC ) of the PRC directs and assumes unified command of the nation 's armed forces .


  22. In the first year of the War of Liberation we reached the target figure set by the Central Military Commission for enemy troops to be annihilated .


  23. Focuses of the controversy were : Would the two corps act together and be put under unified command or act separately under direct command of the Military Commission ?


  24. The Central Military Commission ( CMC ) is the highest military leading organ of the PRC . It directs the armed forces of the country .


  25. Nevertheless , at this time when I 'm going to retire from my leading post in the military commission , I think I should talk with you a little .


  26. Instead , the mobilization and deployment of armed police will be centralized and fall under new rules to be issued by the State Council and Central Military Commission .


  27. Provisions for the establishment and the functions and duties of the competent departments for civil air defense shall be formulated by the State Council and the Central Military commission .


  28. Article 18 The determination of post grades and the appointment and removal of reserve officers shall be handled pursuant to the procedures prescribed by the Central Military Commission .


  29. As authorized by the State Council and the Central Military Commission , the major military commands shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense in the areas under their command .


  30. A military commission was convened by the order of the President , and the petitioners were charged and convicted of violations of the law of war .
